Accion’s people

At Accion Group we take pride in our people; our diverse team of industry experts work collaboratively to provide the best value to our clients. With varied backgrounds in the energy industry and technology sector, our consultants understand the needs of utilities, stakeholders, consumer advocates, and regulators.

Harold T. Judd
With more than forty years of diverse experience in regulated industries and emerging markets, Harry leads Accion Group's engagements across the country and specializes in advising regulators and utilities on strategies for the electric utility post-deregulation era. As President and co-founder of Accion Group, Harry’s background as a consumer advocate, federal prosecutor, state's counsel, and counsel for utilities and energy markets provides a unique real-world perspective to our clients.
Harold T. Judd

Harold T. Judd is President and co-founder of Accion Group, LLC. Harry’s background includes his work as a state consumer advocate, federal prosecutor, state’s counsel, and counsel for utilities and state regulators. Harry uses his decades of experience in regulated industries and emerging markets to lead Accion Group’s engagements across the country. He specializes in advising regulators and utilities on strategies for the electric utility post-deregulation era.  Harry is actively involved in the design and management of competitive solicitations for power supply to meet wholesale energy needs, provides mediation services to the energy industry, and advises regulators and power plant owners in the area of nuclear decommissioning planning and funding.

Previously, Harry served in the White House as counsel to the Special Assistant to the President and later in the Solicitor’s Office for the U.S. Department of Energy and as Senior Assistant Attorney General for New Hampshire’s Office of the Attorney General.  For over two years Harry lived Micronesia serving as economic development counsel to the Congress.  Mr. Judd holds a J.D. from the University of New Hampshire School of Law (formerly Franklin Pierce Law Center) and a B.A. from the University of Wisconsin, Madison.

Leadership team
F. Harris Burpee III
Vice President
Harris’ specialties include database design, implementation, and management, and web-based project management, programming, and IT consulting services.
F. Harris Burpee III
Vice President

Harris has been working in the power industry and related information technology fields for almost 40 years.  His early work experiences aboard a nuclear ballistic missile submarine, as a technician on a mobile incinerator, and as an electrician at a small wood fired power plant, gave rise to his pursuit of a quieter, cleaner work environment, just as the personal computer became popular and affordable for business.

Initially a computer and network technician, Harris then shifted into to software and programming with the rise of the internet and the proliferation of web-based applications. Harris’ specialties include database design, implementation, and management, as well as programming for web-based project management and IT consulting services.

Marcus Jackson
Senior Consultant
As an engineer and former utility executive, Marc specializes in practical insights into corporate governance, utility finance, administration, and regulatory affairs.
Marcus Jackson
Senior Consultant

As a Senior Consultant at Accion Group, Marcus Jackson is an experienced engineer and utility executive with a background in electric and gas public utilities. He brings both international and domestic project management, engineering and operations experience to the Accion team.

As a utility executive, Marcus served as Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, and President of SEMCO Energy Company. Marcus also served as the Chief Operating Officer for Kansas City Power and Light (KCP&L), as well as the Chief Financial Officer (KCP&L) and President of KCP&L Power, the unregulated subsidiary of KCP&L. Marcus provides practical insights into corporate governance, utility finance, administration and regulatory affairs. 

Colin Judd
Senior Vice President
With nearly twenty years of experience in consulting and technology companies, Colin is adept at leading teams to deliver complicated consulting projects on budget and ahead of schedule.
Colin Judd
Senior Vice President

Colin is a seasoned executive with a global career working in more than a dozen countries. He has nearly twenty years of experience building and leading both in-house and consultancy teams that deliver ambitious business outcomes. Colin is a trusted advisor to senior industry leaders and members of government.

Before Accion, Colin spent five years as part of the senior leadership team at a large Dubai headquartered technology company leading an award-winning team of more than 100 professionals responsible for government relations, communications and marketing.

Previously, Colin led advisory teams helping addressing complex issues such as irregular migration, violent extremism, and public health challenges in more than a dozen countries. Funders for these campaigns included the Gates Foundation, EU, USAID, UK’s DFID and the Australian government.

Colin’s career began at one of the largest advocacy firms in Washington, D.C. where he worked on energy, patent and high-speed rail policy.

With a Political Science degree from Georgetown University and extensive experience in U.S. political campaigns, Colin is driven by a deep passion for the intersection of business, public policy, and the public interest.

Consulting team
Alan Kessler
Senior Consultant
Alan’s primary focus is in planning and operations analysis, financial and operational issues in restructuring energy markets, and fuels management.
Alan Kessler
Senior Consultant

With more than thirty years of experience, Alan brings considerable knowledge of planning and operations analysis, financial and operational issues in restructuring energy markets, and fuels management to Accion Group as a Senior Consultant. Prior to joining Accion Group, Alan held management positions at two major U.S. public utilities and a state public utilities commission. Alan was also a partner at Deloitte Consulting and Ernst & Young, where he led the firms’ utility restructuring and reorganization practices. Alan has also represented clients on engagements relating to mergers and acquisitions, power supply management, regulatory litigations, and business reorganizations and restructurings, and specializes in advising clients on general corporate and regulatory strategy. He has participated in numerous regulatory proceedings, often providing expert testimony, and has also served as a trustee for the Federal Trade Commission in merger-related matters in the oil and gas industry. Mr. Kessler holds a J.D. from Capital University School of Law and a B.S. in Economics from The City College of New York.

Philip B. Layfield
Senior Consultant
A transmission and distribution expert by trade, Phil focuses on the review and analyze of T&D operations, costs, and planning assumptions and determinations.
Philip B. Layfield
Senior Consultant

Phil has more than thirty years of experience in electric transmission and distribution experience, and domestic and international transmission design and maintenance. Phil assists Accion Group in reviewing and analyzing issues relating to transmission and distribution operations, costs and planning assumptions, and determinations.

He has reviewed the transmission and distribution operations, cost and planning assumptions, and determinations in a number of states, including systems with significant transmission congestion constraints in the Pacific Northwest, Georgia, Florida, and Hawaii. Prior to his work at Accion Group and as an independent contractor, Mr. Layfield was employed by the Potomac Electric Power Company (PEPCO), where he directed the generation maintenance effort and was responsible for the planning, scheduling, and implementation of unit maintenance. He appeared as an expert witness on maintenance matters for PEPCO and has also presented expert testimony on utility matters in Connecticut, Guam, Kentucky, Nevada, Indiana, and Colorado. Mr. Layfield holds both an MBA and a B.S. in Business Administration from The George Washington University.

Ralph Monsalvatge
Senior Consultant
With more than thirty-five years of experience with one of the largest electric utilities, Ralph works in resource planning and modeling of supply-side generation proposals.
Ralph Monsalvatge
Senior Consultant

Ralph has thirty-five years of experience in the electric utility industry, which includes more than twenty years in various areas of generation planning and integrated resource planning within the Southern Company system.  In addition, Ralph worked as a Transmission Planning Engineer for ten years.  As a resource planner, Ralph developed generation expansion plans, evaluated near term generation options, and evaluated generation and system power proposals received during formal RFP’s.  His experience includes working with the electric utility staffs of several Public Utility Commissions during their reviews of RFP solicitations and certifications of capacity additions.  His expertise includes detailed modeling of supply-side electric generation proposals, using both vendor software and internally developed models.  Mr. Monsalvatge has both a B.S. and M.S. in Electrical Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology.

Garey Rozier
Senior Consultant
Garey uses his forty years of senior utility management experience to provide unparalleled insight into the ever-evolving industry.
Garey Rozier
Senior Consultant

Garey’s extensive career included significant responsibility in general management positions in Transmission Planning, Generation Planning, Resource Planning and Policy, Bulk Power Marketing, Joint Ownership, Power Procurement, and Generating Plant sales and purchases.  Additionally, Garey managed numerous RFPs to secure capacity and energy from traditional central station power plants as well as renewables and system power.  He has led negotiating teams in dozens of diverse ownership and purchase contracts securing power for retail electric service, and has served in leadership positions in the industry including as past Chair of the NERC Planning Committee and the EEI Transmission Committee.  Garey has testified in numerous state PSC hearings involving Integrated Resource Planning, certifications of PPAs and power plants, and policy issues.  He is an expert in System Planning, Power Contracts, and Reliability Analysis.  His most recent experience has been in solicitations and contracting for utility scale solar power in Georgia.   Mr. Rozier has a B.S. in Industrial Engineering from Auburn University and a M.B.A. in Finance from Georgia State University.

David Ball
Senior Consultant
With more than thirty-five years of experience in utilities, Dave specializes in economic evaluation of projects and marginal cost evaluations for customers and utilities.
David Ball
Senior Consultant

David brings to Accion Group his 35 years of experience working with Georgia Power Company, and specializes in economic evaluation of projects and marginal cost evaluations for customers and utilities. At Georgia Power Company, Dave led the company’s Profitability and Economic Analysis team with responsibilities for economic evaluations of beneficial electrification and energy efficiency programs, renewable energy programs, batteries and other distributed energy technologies.  He also prepared and defended demand side management filings with the Georgia Public Service Commission (GPSC), including energy efficiency potential studies and integrated resource plans as well as preparing witnesses for testimony in regulatory hearings. Mr. Ball holds an MBA from The College of William and Mary and a B.S. in Economics and Geology from St. Lawrence University.

Sheri Vincent-Crisp
Sheri provides over fifteen years of experience in project management for our diverse portfolio of engagements of energy procurements.
Sheri Vincent-Crisp

Sheri brings fifteen years of experience in the energy industry to Accion Group’s consulting engagements. Specializing in the design and maintenance of Accion Group’s competitive procurement websites for clients such as the Georgia Public Service Commission, Black Hills, Tucson Electric Power, and Portland General Electric, Sheri is critical to Accion Group’s competitive energy solicitation process management. As a consultant, Sheri functions as an advisor and project manager for Accion’s role in wholesale energy procurements, and also offers our clients in-depth tutorials of Accion’s RFP website functions, ensuring clarity and ease of use during the procurement process.

John B. Hart
John has more than forty years’ experience in the power supply industry. His primary focus is in understanding strategic and regulatory issues faced by utilities.
John B. Hart

As a consultant for Accion Group, John operates primarily in the field of nuclear power. John’s 40 plus years of experience in licensing and engineering encompasses all phases of a nuclear power plant’s life cycle including initial licensing, construction, operations, power uprates, life extension, and decommissioning.  As a former Manager of Nuclear Operations and Safety at an architect-engineering firm and Nuclear Licensing Manager at several sites, he has extensive experience working constructively with the NRC on difficult and sensitive licensing issues.  He has also been the point person for interface with the EPA and regulators at the state level.  His work as a consultant over the past 15 years has included clients such as Exelon, NextEra, Areva, and a number of public utility commissions.

Kathryn M. Bailey
An electrical engineer with more than 30 years experience, Kate brings her technical skills and long history in the electric utility world to each Accion Group engagement.
Kathryn M. Bailey

Kate has been an electrical engineer for more than 30 years. Throughout her career, Kate has used her engineering skills to evaluate the technical aspects of utility operations, leading to informed regulatory decisions on issues ranging from resource adequacy to broadband deployment. As a Commissioner of the New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission from 2015 to 2021, Ms. Bailey’s technical skills were used to assess diverse issues, including competitive electric default service solicitations, integrated resource plans assimilating distributed energy resources, energy efficiency programs and funding, and net energy metering compensation proposals. She also served on the state Site Evaluation Committee, where she was the technical expert on electric transmission and energy facility siting proposals.

Ms. Bailey was appointed as the New Hampshire manager of the New England States Committee on Electricity (“NESCOE”) from 2017-2021, involved in ISO New England’s transmission planning and wholesale market design revisions necessary to accommodate state-mandated clean energy resources while maintaining system reliability and affordable electricity. Prior to being appointed Commissioner, she held various positions at the NHPUC, including Chief Engineer and Director of Telecommunications. She began her career as a communications engineer in the United States Air Force. Ms. Bailey holds a BS in electrical engineering from Union College.

Nick Wintermantel
Nick’s focus is in regulated utility planning and electric market modeling. His expertise in evaluation methodologies used for resource planning is invaluable.
Nick Wintermantel

Nick is and engineer with an MBA and has more than 20 years in the electric utility industry with a focus on integrated resource planning and resource adequacy.  Since 2009, he has been consulting for large utilities and organizations across the U.S. and internationally.  In this time, he has conducted an array of analysis and studies including resource selection studies, resource adequacy studies, effective load carrying capability (ELCC) studies, and renewable integration studies.  For Accion Group, Nick uses this experience to provide valuable insights in evaluating resource procurements for its clients. Through his experience he has developed an expertise in the evaluation of emerging technologies including battery storage, solar, and wind.

Kevin Carden
With a background in computer modeling and software design, Kevin works in planning and assessment of reliability requirements and demand-side pricing and evaluation.
Kevin Carden

With a background in production cost simulations for risk analysis and reliability planning for power supply options, coupled with twenty years of diverse utility management experience, Kevin possesses the technical background needed to successfully execute a wide range of resource adequacy studies. In addition to his work with Accion Group, Kevin operates as the director of Astrapé Consulting, which has provided consulting services to utilities nation-wide including the Southern Company, TVA, SCE, EON-US, PGE, SMUD, APS, CLECO, and LCRA.  For the Southern Company, he led the redevelopment of SERVM, an industry leading Resource Planning tool which is currently managed and licensed by Astrapé. Additional responsibilities have included project financial analysis, RFP independent evaluation, target reserve margin studies, renewable capacity valuation, demand side management program development and contract management for many large capital projects. Kevin holds a B.S. in Industrial Engineering from the University of Alabama

Hilary Judd
With a focus in customer experience and communication, Hilary works to provide individualized technical support and project-based written deliverables.
Hilary Judd

Hilary joined the Accion Group in 2018 as a consultant with a focus in customer experience and communication. Hilary works closely with Accion’s clients to provide website tutorials, data collection support, and help manage the interfacing of confidential information between bidder and company. Hilary also develops written deliverables for utilities and regulators detailing the oversight and due diligence provided by Accion Group.

Patrick McRobbie
Software Engineer / Analyst
Pat is a full stack software engineer leading the design and management of Accion's procurement software.
Patrick McRobbie
Software Engineer / Analyst

Partners with Accion’s VP of Engineering in the design and development of Accion Group’s custom procurement software, Pat is a versatile Full Stack Software Engineer with a foundation in Computer Science and extensive experience in management and leadership roles. He is proficient in a wide array of technologies and cloud services, specializing in leveraging advanced programming and critical thinking skills to help drive innovative solutions and lead teams effectively across diverse projects and in a variety of contexts. He has used his expertise in over a dozen RFP deployments for utilities nationwide.

Pat earned his Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science from Boston University.

Sara Hadi
Engineer and Data Management Analyst
Sara is an Electrical Engineer and Data Management Analyst who helps clients get the most out of Accion's powerful procurement software.
Sara Hadi
Engineer and Data Management Analyst

Sara is an Electrical Engineer and Data Management Analyst. She manages technical implementation for clients utilizing Accion Group’s custom procurement software. Sara develops web forms based on client specification, updates website content and provides technical assistance for platform-related issues. She produces analyses and reports with a focus on transmission planning, and consults with clients on design requirements for efficient data collection and management. Sara earned her Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from Albalqa Applied University in Amman, Jordan and her Master of Science in Information Technology from Southern New Hampshire University.